Pso Well: 

New for you?

If you have just been diagnosed with psoriasis you may have lots of questions about the condition and the treatment. The first thing to remember is that there is a lot you can do to help minimise its effect on your life. One of the first things is to find sources of good quality information and support.

Good for you, good for your psoriasis

Looking after your general health is good for your psoriasis too. We are all familiar with the main health messages about eating well, keeping fit and active, and looking after our mood.

But did you know that this advice is also important for your psoriasis? Psoriasis severity can be influenced by many things, including being overweight, too much alcohol, smoking and not being active enough. By making some positive choices about your lifestyle you will be able to keep well regardless of having psoriasis.

Pso Well resource sets have been put together by a team of experts:

  • People with psoriasis
  • Specialist health professionals
  • Specialist psoriasis health researchers

Pso Well resource sets cover three areas

  • What is Psoriasis?
  • Treatments for Psoriasis
  • Staying Well with Psoriasis

Pso Well resource sets focus on issues that people with psoriasis have asked us about. They contain useful information and activities to help you to live well with psoriasis. Use these by yourself, or take them along to appointments with your healthcare provider to help your discussions about how you are managing your psoriasis.

What next?

Try the activity below to help you decide your next steps…

Getting Started

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On a scale of 1-10 with 1 being very little and 10 a lot, mark how much your psoriasis is affecting you at the moment.

Very little
Affects me very much

Where would you like to be on the measure?

Very little
Affects me very much

Next steps?

Is there a big difference in your answers to 1 and 2? If not, it sounds like you don’t need to do  much for now.

If there’s a difference of 2 points or more, you might want to do something about your situation. Make a start by using the information in the other leaflets as a guide.

Try some of the activities in the Pso Well resource sets and re-assess how you feel in a week or so.

Or you might think that things are so different to how you want them to be that you would like more help. If so, take this leaflet with you to show your doctor or nurse.

What might be useful to me now?

We've created these leaflets to help
you with your psoriasis.

What is Psoriasis?

If you would like to find out more then  click on the leaflets above that might be useful to you now. 

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For further advice or information please consult your healthcare provider or psoriasis patient association in your region


The University of Manchester
Manchester Academic Health Science Centre
psoriasis association
Salford Royal NHS
Funded by NIHR
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